Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Vasant Ritu

Vasant Ritu is a part of Ritucharya where ritu means seasons and charya means to follow a certain routine. Therefore according to Ayurveda, Ritucharya means seasonal routine and by following proper lifestyle and diet according to the current season will help to stay away from seasonal diseases. Here Vasant Ritu is the duration from mid March to mid May.

Vasant Ritu is the Spring season where flowers bloom and the nature looks all beautiful and charming bringing happiness into our minds. As per Ayurveda, Vasant Ritu is the best season for detoxifying and cleansing our body. 

During this season, the kapha dosha gets aggravated and accumulated as during the last season that is the winter season, the digestive fire was high and consumption of heavy foods and sweets were more causing toxins to accumulate. So if the kapha dosha is not arrested and taken care of at this stage then it could cause infections and indigestion as during Vasant Ritu the digestive fire is diminished.
Therefore it is extremely important that during this season we stay active and consume light and healthy food as it helps in removing all the toxins from the body.

Diet and lifestyle you should follow this season:

Just as the nature is already removing the toxins during the Vasant Ritu by changing its weather from cold to warm, our body must also be ready to melt all the toxins that have accumulated from the previous season.

Since our digestive fire is low it is recommended to have foods which are light and easily digestible. One should avoid oily, sweet, cold items like curd, cold drinks, etc. as they give rise to Kapha and just increases the toxins in our body. 

Foods like Toor dal, Moong dal, Masoor dal, Rice(small quantity), Honey, Pepper, Cinnamon, Milk, Butter, Turmeric, etc. will be helpful to stimulate digestion and detoxify the skin.
Working out and exercising for 40 minutes to 1 hour every day is recommended as it helps to burn all the fats and toxins accumulated in the body making you more active and healthy.

Ayurvedic treatments that is beneficial during Vasant Ritu

Choorna pinda swedanam- They are massages that are given to the body with the help of a bolus or potli containing medicated powder. Potlis are heated in medicated oil and lightly pounded over the body. This therapy is very useful for improving muscle strength, alleviates sore muscles and joints, and removes body pain and stiffness.

Shashtisali pinda swedanam- Same procedure as choorna pinda swedanam, but here potli/ bolus massage is done with medicated rice and milk. It is a therapeutic massage which helps to calm and nourish the body and strengthen the muscles.

Swedanam-  Medicated steam is used for relieving pain and swelling, muscular spasms and other disorders like paralysis, obesity etc. various types like peti swedanam (steam box), Nadi swedanam (medicated steam through tube), ksheeradhoomam (steam of medicated milk) are very efficient treatments in Ayurveda.

Vamana- Vamana is therapeutic vomiting which is a medicated emesis therapy. It helps in alleviating and assembling the toxins in an effort to eliminate them from the upper gastrointestinal tract.

Therefore by adapting a healthy diet and an active lifestyle, also detoxifying yourself with our authentic Ayurvedic therapies, we can prevent ourselves from seasonal diseases like allergies, cold, flu, hay fever, etc. caused by seasonal variations during Spring Season i.e. Vasant Ritu.

Monday, March 16, 2020


Hyperacidity (Amlapitta) is one of the most common disease seen in the society. It is seen in all ages, all classes, and all community. Hyperacidity refers to a set of symptoms caused by an imbalance between the acid secreting mechanism of the stomach and proximal intestine and the protective mechanisms that ensure their safety. The stomach normally secretes acid that is essential in the digestive process. When there is excess production of acid in the stomach, it results in the condition known as acidity.
In Ayurveda, Hyperacidity is known as Amlapitta, as by its name, amla means the sour taste and pitta means the imbalance of the pitta dosha that has caused this disease. Individuals with pitta constitution often suffer from acidity, hyperacidity or heartburn. According to Ayurveda things that aggravate Pitta dosha are anger, spicy food, excessive smoking and alcohol, heated environment, etc. that can cause imbalance in pitta, leading to hyperacidity.

Common symptoms of Hyperacidity- If you see any of these common symptoms daily for a long period of time then you certainly have hyperacidity.

·         Upper abdominal and chest burning sensation

·         Constant thirst

·         Sour belching

·         Vomiting

·         Heartburn

·         Flatulence

·         Feeling restlessness

Causes of Hyperacidity-

·         Having long gaps between meals when the stomach is empty- Following food habits like long gaps between meals when the stomach is empty can lead to acidity.

·         Skipping certain meals- Skipping breakfast especially can lead to acidity.

·         Sleeping just after eating- Sleeping right after eating a meal can cause hyperacidity

·         Constant acid reflux when the lower esophageal sphincter doesn’t close properly, allowing the digestive juices and other contents to rise up into your esophagus, causing hyperacidity.

·         Inadequate blood flow to the stomach can cause stomach ulcer- Due to low blood flow in the stomach or also due to excess acid secretion, you can get stomach ulcer.

·         Alcohol or spicy food- Consuming alcohol or spicy food items can cause hyperacidity.

·         Stress and Anxiety- Individuals to emotional imbalance like stress or anxiety have higher incidence of acidity in their body.

·         Untimely/ irregular sleeping patterns- Not sleeping on time and not getting enough sleep and rest for the body can cause hyperacidity.

Ayurvedic Treatment provided-

·         Ayurvedic treatments like Snehapanam(oleation of medicated ghee), Virechanam(medicated purgation treatment), Vastis(medicated enema), Dhanyamla Dhara(Body alkalizer therapy ), etc. will be performed to provide relief from hyperacidity.

·         Deepan pachan (digestive and carminative medicines) will be provided by our certified Ayurvedic doctors as they are immunity boosters for your gut and provide permanent cure for hyperacidity.

·         Lifestyles changes will be made to follow as it is a part of the therapy provided. Alcohol and smoking should be avoided. Healthy and active lifestyle will be followed.

  • Dietary changes will be followed- Diet that pacifies pitta will be followed. Proper balanced meal will be provided. Spicy food should be avoided. All four square meals will be provided at our centre. Food should be eaten on time and sleeping after eating should be avoided.
  • We take care from eating to eliminating all toxins from the body by strengthening your gut power and providing a healthy lifestyle.

·         Techniques to reduce stress and anger like yoga and meditation will be performed as it will prove very beneficial for those who are prone to emotional imbalances.

·         We at Agni Ayurvedic Village have an experience of 20 years which makes us the best at offering the services required.

·         The Ayurvedic treatment offered is time-tested, safe and effective.

·         Treatments are performed by our skilled doctors.

·         Our treatments not only remove all the toxins of the body but also help you to detoxify and purify the body from within.

·         We provide personalized diet plan for our patients.

·         The treatments and medicines we provide are natural and holistic.

·         Our approach helps remove the odds of a recurrence.

Saturday, March 14, 2020

This World Kidney Day take a pledge to keep your Kidneys healthy.

Our Kidneys are the vital organs in our body. They help to filter waste (toxins) and excess water from the blood.

For overall health and general wellbeing it is important to maintain your kidney’s health. Here are 5 Do’s and Don’ts you need to follow that will help to maintain the health of your Kidneys.

5 Do’s to Keep your Kidneys Healthy-

·         Keep yourself hydrated- Even though very cliché, this will always be the first and the most important tip on keeping your kidneys healthy. It is recommended to drink at least 2-3 litres of water every day.

·         Do Aerobic exercises or Yoga- It is important to be active and have a healthy body so that the kidneys can function in harmony. Regular aerobic exercises or yoga can help to maintain your weight and prevent getting any diseases that can damage your kidneys.

·         Have a Balanced Diet- Having a healthy and balanced diet that provide proper micro and macro nutrients will help to have healthy kidneys. Individuals who are obese will be at a risk for developing certain health conditions that can damage their kidneys.

·         Get your Sugar & Blood Pressure checked regularly- Another tip to keep your kidneys healthy get yourself regularly checked for blood sugar and blood pressure since people with diabetes and hypertension have high chances of getting their kidneys damaged as the kidneys have to work extra hard to filter the blood and over the years this could damage the kidneys functions.

·         Maintain basic hygiene-It is very important to maintain hygiene since if the private areas are not clean this could lead to UTI( Urinary tract infections) and can cause ill-effects to your kidneys.


5 Don’ts to Keep your Kidneys Healthy-

·         Avoid drinking too much at night- It is recommended not to drink too much water at night as it can lead to frequent urge to urinate at night which can disrupt your sleep cycle. It is better to drink your fluids during the day rather than at night.

·         Avoid aerated drinks & foods that contain excess preservatives- Excess aerated drinks and preservatives will only damage the kidney as they directly lead to diabetes or hypertension. Consuming such drinks can even lead to formation of kidney stones.

·         Don't self-medicate. Avoid unwanted Medicines and supplements- Common drugs like painkiller or any supplements taken regularly or without proper consultation can lead to kidney damage. So whenever in doubt always consult a doctor.

·         Avoid Protein rich diet- Although it is vital to consume proteins, but excess consumption of proteins can cause ill-effects on the kidneys .Excessive proteins will cause kidneys to work hard on their filtration leading to kidney damage later.

·         Do not hold your urge to pee- Never hold your urge to urinate as this could lead to stone formation, causing kidney stones.

.      Do not smoke or consume alcohol- Drinking and smoking can cause to slow the process of blood flow to the kidney and can disrupt the functions of the kidney.

Kidneys perform the vital function of filtering out toxins and help to keep the organs in optimal condition.
This World Kidney Day 2020, let’s make it our priority to follow the tips mentioned above to maintain our kidney health and avoid serious health problems.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Coronavirus Update- Fight it don't Fright it.

Nowadays even virus attacks are more frightening than terrorist attacks. W.H.O. has recently labelled the Coronavirus outbreak as Pandemic. Pandemics are mostly expected if a virus is new, able to infect individuals easily and can spread fast in an efficient way. Coronavirus seems to check all of those points. With no fruitful vaccine or treatment, holding its spread is vital.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) is a group of virus that can cause illnesses ranging from common cold to severe problems mostly related to respiratory infections like acute respiratory syndrome, pneumonia, organ failures and even death. Cases of COVID-19 is been reported positive in many countries, where in India there has been 73 positive reported cases. Overall it has affected almost 100,000 individuals where the mortality rate has reached to 3.4%.

Symptoms of Coronavirus- The coronavirus mostly attacks individuals who have a compromised immunity system, infants, older adults and those with other medical issues specifically pertaining to respiratory systems. These are the common symptoms-

·         Cold and runny nose
·         Sore throat
·         Cough
·         Headache
·         High fever
·         Shortness of breath or difficulty in breathing

Causes- It spreads by the droplets released when the person with the infected virus coughs or sneezes.

Prevention- These are the certain preventive measures you can take to prevent yourself from this disease.
  • Wash your hands with soap and water or hand sanitizer more often.
  • Cover your mouth and nose with your elbow when you cough or sneeze. If using tissue, dispose it after use. Or use mask wherever you travel. Also wash or clean the mask regularly.
  • If your hands aren't clean, avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with it.
  • Avoid close contact with anyone who is sick.
  • Clean and disinfect surfaces you often touch.
  • Stay home if you're sick and avoid public places.
  • Visit doctor if you have had any contact if the infected person or have had a travel history to the infected countries as mentioned in the W.H.O. site.

How Ayurveda and Food and help to prevent the disease?

According to Ayurveda building, our immunity is the best way to fight any virus. It is better to invest time in your health and build your immunity. Here are some points that should be followed to increase immunity-

·         Include Ayurvedic herbs like Ashvagandha, Vasa, etc. as it builds and strengthens your immune system and overall wellbeing.  It is advisable to take any Ayurvedic doctor consultation before consuming them. For more information on Ayurvedic herbs contact us or your nearest Ayurvedic doctor.
·         Chavanprash is considered to be very beneficial when it is included in your diet. Chavanprash acts as a universal immunity booster and can be consumed by anyone at any age.
·         Eat home cooked food and avoid from eating out.
·         Include items like fenugreek seeds, pepper, garlic, ginger, carom seeds, turmeric, neem, tulsi, etc. in your diet to increase your immunity.
·         Include fruits and vegetables that have vitamin A and C in them like berries, oranges, indian gooseberries(amla), lemons, grapes, papaya, guava, etc.
·         It is important to wash thoroughly all the fruits and vegetables if you are going to consume it raw. It is preferred to wash them in warm water with turmeric or rock salt.
·         If eating non vegetarian food then make sure it is cooked thoroughly.
·         Always eat fresh or steaming hot items instead of cold or frozen food.
·         Basic health routine like aerobic exercises and yoga should be done to improve the lung capacity. Morning walks from 9am to 11am is very useful to get proper vitamin D.
·         You can take bath the neem infused water or rock salt infused water.
·         You can also use neem infused water to wash cloths.

Today it is Coronavirus, Tomorrow it could be anything else. It is not in our hands to control such outbreaks and get paranoid about it. The best thing we can opt for is to build and strengthen our immunity system by following a healthy and hygiene lifestyle.

ayurvedic wellness centre

Ayurveda is the soul and essence of Agni Ayurvedic Village, which has been dedicatedly serving people for more than 22 years. The centre has...